In 2013, France-Aimée and Sandro decided to create their own company to produce cosmetics: LIVEnat - Laboratoire d’Innovation et de Valorisation d’Eléments Naturels (
The idea about producing greener and environmentally friendly cosmetics drove the project until the launch of our first products. We developed a unique product to take care of the hair: hair care cosmetics.
Our technology derives from lab research and combine ingredients extract from nature and an innovative technologies. LIVENat was awarded at the French innovative start up contest in 2013 (Oseo/Ministery of Higher Education and Research – Emerging Start up).
LIVENat‘s main goal is to be the leader and the first laboratory to offer Breakthrough technology associated with environmental and health issues. We are Member of Cosmetic Valley.
Copyright @ 2016-2020 - LIVENAT SAS FRANCE